Desarrollo de Páginas Web para Servicios o Tiendas en línea con Carrito de Compras y Pagos en el mismo sitio web.
Nos especializamos en el desarrollo de páginas web con carritos de compras intuitivos y pasarelas de pagos seguras, garantizando una experiencia de compra fluida y segura para tus clientes. Nuestro enfoque está centrado en entender tus necesidades específicas y traducirlas en una plataforma e-commerce que impulsa el crecimiento de tu negocio, mejora la satisfacción del cliente y aumenta la tasa de conversión. Con nuestro diseño a medida, cada detalle está pensado para atraer, retener y convertir visitantes en compradores fieles.
In CapitánDATA, entendemos que cada negocio tiene necesidades únicas, ya sea que ofrezcas servicios especializados o productos para la venta. Nuestra misión es ayudarte a crear una página web que se adapte perfectamente a tu modelo de negocio, maximizando tus oportunidades de éxito. Ya sea que necesites una plataforma robusta para vender productos en línea con carritos de compras y pasarelas de pagos seguras, o una presencia profesional para destacar tus servicios y captar clientes, CapitánDATA tiene la solución ideal. Descubre por qué somos la elección perfecta para transformar tu visión en una realidad digital efectiva, atractiva y rentable. Con CapitánDATA, tu página web será más que un sitio en internet; será una herramienta poderosa para impulsar tu crecimiento y alcanzar tus metas comerciales.
Navigate quickly and easily with a step-by-step store setup wizard. Enter product details, including SKU, description, prices, options, and inventory tracking. Add and manage product images, including enlargements. Deluxe and Premium plans support up to five images per product. Configure your product search options. Create nested categories to help your customers navigate your catalog.
Accept all major credit cards through First Data Global GatewaySM, Chase Paymentech®, FrontStream Payments®, Intuit® Merchant Service Account,®, Innovative Merchant Solutions®, PayPal Express Checkout, PayPal Payments Pro, PayPal Payments Standard. Don't pay setup or percentage of sales fees. Get real-time US and international shipping rate quotes from UPS, FedEx, and USPS, or create your own custom shipping rate table. Use the built-in shipping and tax calculators.
Show featured products in the navigation bar of your sidebar. Specify multiple products for a rotating screen. Create product cross-sells and up-sells that suggest related products (eg, “You may also like…”). Create coupon codes for a discount amount, discount percentage, or free shipping. Coupons may also require a minimum purchase amount. Create product packages with special discounts.
See new orders, inventory status, and member activity at a glance. Search and filter orders and export information to a Microsoft® Excel file. Capture credit card payments, enter shipping and tracking information, and print shipping labels. Receive email notifications for orders. Track product inventory and set minimum thresholds.
NEW! Increase sales by giving buyers what they want: product ratings and reviews from other customers. Also, watch your search results grow as your customer reviews provide original, keyword-rich content for search engines. Increase the visibility of your online store with search engine friendly page URLs. Track the response of your marketing campaigns with auto-generated links that include your promo code. Easily add your products to Google® Product Search and eBay®.
Do not hesitate and generate extra income by offering your clients the best service with zero complications.
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